Best Virtual Baby Shower Ideas during COVID-19

Virtual Baby Shower during Coronavirus/COVID-19, Socially Distanced Baby Shower ideas during Coronavirus, Unique Godh Bharai ideas

The spread of COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in more ways than we can imagine. Coronavirus is responsible for many events either getting cancelled or postponed and Indian baby shower being one of them. With everyone preferring to stay at home and following the social distancing norms, the best way to have a Godh Bharai function is by having socially distanced baby showers during coronavirus.

Don’t let the enthusiasm and celebrations of your baby shower tone down because of coronavirus pandemic. Because you cannot have your family and friends around you, doesn’t mean you cannot have this important ritual. We have come up with virtual baby shower ideas during COVID that promise a memorable Godh Bharai.

Original source article and Photos: Virtual Baby Shower Ideas during COVID-19

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